If Windows 12 looks like this, will it make you upgrade?

Windows 12

The successor to Windows 11, Windows 12, has been the topic of many discussions lately. Microsoft’s plans for the future operating system were reported on by multiple insiders. Although there haven’t been any official screenshots or videos of Windows 12 yet, various concept designers have come up with possible ideas of what it might look like.

Take a peek at what Windows 12 might look like

One such designer does not only offer his vision of Windows 12. But also made his wallpapers for the OS available for free download. Another designer, AR 4789, took a different approach and created a video that not only showcases the features we might see in the new OS but also takes us through the entire installation and set-up process.

Among the features showcased in the video are a new Start menu, File Explorer, and Settings. While it’s not clear whether these features will be included in the final version of Windows 12, they provide an idea of what users might expect.

The new Start menu is a blend of the Windows 10 menu and Windows 8 Live Tiles. Users who disliked the Windows 10 menu might appreciate this change. The File Explorer has also been given a fresh new look, with a more modern design and new icons.

Gizchina News of the week

Windows 12: Exciting changes and new features to look forward to

Overall, the video provides an exciting glimpse into what we might see in Windows 12. Designers like Addy Visuals and AR 4789 created concepts of Windows 12. We have to wait for Microsoft to officially release the new OS to know for sure what it will look like and what features it will have. These concepts offer a concept preview.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft has not yet confirmed the development of Windows 12. And it’s possible that the company may take a different approach to the next version of Windows. However, the buzz surrounding the potential release of Windows 12 is a testament to the enduring popularity of the operating system and the excitement that comes with the prospect of a new and improved version.

As with any new operating system release, there are likely to be a mix of opinions among users, with some embracing the changes and others preferring the familiarity of previous versions. But regardless of individual opinions, it’s clear that the next Windows is generating a lot of interest and speculation. We’ll have to wait and see what Microsoft has in store for us. But in the meantime, it’s exciting to imagine what the future of Windows might look like.

Keep in mind that Microsoft has not yet confirmed the development of Windows 12 and that the concepts presented are based on speculation. So, the features showcased in the concept designs and video are not guaranteed to be included in the official version of Windows 12.

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