WhatsApp Update: Your Keyboard Will Not Look The Same Again

WhatsApp has become the new update king, feeding us with new updates almost every day like a blog site. Initially, we used to see WhatsApp update once in a while. But now, it seems like the Meta owned app is rushing with new updates. Well, it is quite understandable owing to the fact that most competing apps are already serving users with more features that are not available on WhatsApp.

In actual fact, this frequent update is something WhatsApp should have been doing long ago. However, the company seemed to have relaxed due to less competition. Now, WhatsApp is trying to play a catch-up game in terms of features. When the competition gets tougher, that is when the end user gets the best and this is why competition in the tech world is always important.

WhatsApp Keyboard Gets Facelifts

Speaking of competition, WhatsApp is out with yet another useful feature. Well, not necessarily a feature but this new update will bring some changes to the WhatsApp Keyboard. The WhatsApp keyboard has looked pretty the same for quite a while now. Finally, the company is making some tweaks to modernize its looks. WhatsApp Keyboard

Gizchina News of the week

From the screenshot above, you can clearly see that the keyboard interface looks quite different from what we are used to. Comparing this to the old one, you could clearly see the changes. For example, the keyboard type selection bar is now moved from the bottom to the top. It also looks like the bar that allows us to select the various emoji categories is no more there.

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The categories bar is a helpful feature for users who frequently use emojis. It helps in quickly finding a particular emoji when they need to. We understand that its removal may cause concerns for some users. This is because it may require endless scrolling to locate a particular emoji. Please note that this feature is currently in the experimental phase. Therefore, it may be subject to changes before it is released to beta testers. It could also be a temporary measure due to ongoing development.

More Changes Might Come to the WhatsApp Keyboard Before Released WhatsApp Keyboard

The redesigned WhatsApp keyboard is still under development. Therefore, it is too early to conclude on all the changes that we will see at the end. Since it is not yet available, we will keep track on all the developments that follows after. In case of any update to this effect, we will publish it for all to know about it.

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