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All the latest wearable tech news from China. Chinese smartwatch news, reviews, articles and more. Read it all on

Best Fitness Trackers of 2023: Top Activity Bands for the Money

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Donner Dobuds ONE: Affordable, Stylish Earbuds with ANC!

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Best fitness tracker and smartwatch offers for Amazon Prime Day 2022

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GooPhone are very well known for making fake Apple and Samsung phones, but they aren’t really known for keeping up with technological trends which makes their smartwatch announcement all the more surprising!

With a saturated phone market and stagnant tablet market, China’s phone makers are plunging in to the emerging Android smartwatch market.

Chinese Android startup Geak have managed to ship 100,000 Geak smartwatches since they launched the wearable device earlier this year.

Now that Xiaomi are taking over the phone market and are invading living rooms it isn’t hard to imagine the company producing a Xiaomi smartwatch but is this ever going to happen.

Smartwatches seem to be the ‘in’ thing this season. After the likes of Qualcomm, Sony, Samsung, etc. presented their own renditions of the wearable technology concept, upcoming manufacturers like India-based SmartNamo have been up to the task as well. Google are said to be working on one too, if you missed it. We have to admit, things are moving ahead at a faster rate than expected!

Google’s first piece of wearable tech, Google Glass has received a recent software update bring public transport directions and more to the device.

Taiwanese based tech startup BeLuvv have taken on the admirable task of making the world a safer place one child at a time with the Guardian smart accessory and cloud app.

Reports from manufactures in Shenzhen claim that Xiaomi are mass producing their own Android smartwatch featuring cut down MIUI.

ZTE are currently the 5th largest phone makers in the world, and with the growing interested in wearable technology they hope to become number 1.